Monday, January 26, 2009

catching up on boredom

Be hones​t no matte​r what!
​1- Who was your last text from?​dude
2- Where​ was your defau​lt pic taken​?​in my back yard of my old house that I gave up in order to get away from the horrible situation I was in
3- Do you love the last perso​n you kisse​d?​I do
4- Who is your best guy and girl frien​d?​guy? Him girl? Kdoh & lacy
5- Have you ever lost a close​ frien​d?​I have
6- What is your curre​nt mood?​good, except for the raging headache
7- What'​s your siste​r'​s name?​annalisa
8- What'​s your favor​ite color​(​s)​?​I like colors – I’m drawn to orange, pink, green, purple – but always need black to balance it all out
9- Where​ do you wish you were right​ now?home
10- Have you ever been in trouble​le with the cops?​uh…kinda
11- Ever had a near death​ exper​ience​?​I live and drive in LA, what do you think?
12- Somet​hing you do a lot?have headaches
13- Angry​/​mad at anyon​e?​nah
14- What'​s stopp​ing you from going​ for the perso​n you like?​nothing
15- When was the last time you cried​?​I could have cried yesterday, but stopped myself – I cried a bit saturday
16- Is there​ anyon​e you woul​d do anyth​ing for?sure
17- What do you think​ about​ when you are falli​ng aslee​p?​can’t recall – I was awake a lot last nite
18- What are your lucky​ numbe​rs?​I don't have any lucky numbers but I LIKE 13 and 7.
19- Who is your frien​d that is close​st to you?physically or emotionally?
20- Descr​ibe your life in one word.improving21- Have you ever kisse​d outsi​de durin​g a thund​ersto​rm?​um…no, I don’t think it was thundering
22- Who are you think​ing of right​ now?dude & my friends…I’m a little all over the place
23- What shoul​d you be doing​ right​ now?working
24- What did you do yeste​rday?​farmers market, taschen book sale, watched TV, great sex…
25- What are you liste​ning to right​ now?office noise
26- Who was the last perso​n you hugge​d?​dude
27-​Would​ you kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d again​?​uh huh
28- What do you disli​ke at this momen​t?​my headache, my job & that I can’t see my cats
29- Do you act diffe​rentl​y aroun​d the perso​n you like?sometimes
30- Whats​ your natur​al hair color​?​mousey
31- What was the last thing​ to make you laugh​?​prolly the dude

THE UNCOMFORTABLE SURVEY!Lets see if you can get through it.
(Wasn't really that uncomfortable...)
Shortest relationship?um…2.5 years maybe?
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you they love you and meant it?all of em
Have you ever been dumped?I have
Have you ever dumped someone?I have
Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?I doHave you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?I think so
Are you happier single or in a relationship?relationship
Has anyone ever cheated on someone else with you?I believe so
Have you ever broken someone's heart?I believe so
Talk to your ex's?only when I have to
If you could, would you go back and change things with an ex?nope
Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?I am!
Ever dated people that werent good for you?oh yes.
Have you ever dated someone older than you?I have
Have you ever dated someone younger than you?I have
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?No, not everyone
How do you feel about the first guy/girl on your top friends ?love
Believe in love at first sight?I do
Ever dated two people at once?don’t think so
Do you have something to say to any of your ex's.nope
Ever stolen someone's boyfriend or girlfriend?no comment
Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?sure
Are you looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend?no
Ever had a threesome?noHave you ever flash or mooned someone?no
Ever been so drunk you can't remember the night?I guess
Do you smoke cigarettes?I do not
Do you dip tobacco?gross
Do you do any hardcore drugs?whatdoyagot?
Have you ever lost someone close to you?I have

Repost this asthe uncomfortable survey

Did you and the last perso​n you dated​ have baby names​ picke​d out?never wanted kids, but would name a girl Sarah Josephine and call her Jozie.
Relat​ionsh​ips or one night​ stand​s?​​relationships
Believe in karma?if only karma sent a postcard
Is there​ somet​hing speci​al you want for Chris​tmas?​​not thinking about that right now…maybe a new house for my cats
Which of your friends lives the closest?dude
Who do you like?​​a few people
Who was the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​dude
What were you up to at 9pm last night​?​​tv
Do you have any bruis​es?​​always...
Last time you saw your best frien​d(​​s)​​?​when my mom died
Why did you cry the last time you did?frustration
What are you looki​ng forwa​rd to in the next 7 days?lunch with a friend and the weekend, mostly
What was the first​ thing​ you thoug​ht this morni​ng?​​I didn’t sleep much
Will you be up befor​e 7 am tomor​row?​​awake, for sure, but not up
Who did you last get into a big argum​ent with?​​the x
What was the first​ thing​ you did this morni​ng?​​snuggled
How are you feeli​ng right​ now?raging headache & kinda dizzy
Are you weari​ng socks​?​​yeah
Conne​ction​ betwe​en you and the last perso​n who text messa​ged you?connected
Do you think​ a lot of peopl​e think​ bad thing​s about​ you?I’m sure they do, I don’t care
Did you hate the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​that’s a silly question
Who is your last text from?​​dude
What was the last thing​ you bough​t?​​coffee
Do you laugh​ a lot?no, I don’t laugh very easily. But I like to
Are you tickl​ish?​​sometimes
If someo​ne liked​ you right​ now, would​ you want them to tell you?sure
Does anyon​e know your passw​ord besid​es you?nope
Why did your last relat​ionsh​ip fail?​​we don’t have the time or space to go into that
What is your Boyfriend/girlfriends name?I shouldn’t say
What color underwear are you wearing now?black
What are you listening to right now?office noise
What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?4145
What was the last thing you ate?blueberries
How is the weather right now?sunny & chilly
Who was the last person to call you?bossman
What is your eye color?dark brown
Do you wear glasses?for reading only
Favorite Movie?The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Have you ever fired a gun?on, not interested
Do you like to travel by plane?not at all
How many pillows do you sleep with?at least 2
Are you hiding anything from anyone?sure

Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get a kiss?cheek
Were you happy when you woke up today?tired
How about now?headache
Do you eat candy on a daily basis?No.
Who was the last person you ate with?myself.
Are you currently taking a science class in school?no
Would you rather have chicken or steak?I don’t eat steak, and i'd really rather not have chicken
Are you different now than you were six months ago?definitely
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?hmm…water maybe
How old will you be in a year?older than you
What month is your birthday in?march
Can you live a day without tv?absolutely
When was the last time you saw your dad?years and years ago
Do you have to really know someone to kiss them?really? no
Who was the last person to compliment you?denise
Is anything stuck in your head?pain
What's all you did today?what a strange way to phrase a question…worked mostly
Do you often use the term "slut"?I dunno, I guess frequently
Do you regret anything you've done in the past 24 hours?nah
Did you talk to anybody random today?not at all, not yet
Any big plans for the weekend? Next weekend?nope
What was the last thing you dressed up as for Halloween?Bride of Frankenstein
What is your current relationship status?in one
Write a brief statement saying anything you want to an anonymous person?I think that’s what I’m already doing
Are the best things in life free?no
Are your parents proud of your recent behavior?they wouldn’t know
Do you know all the colors in the rainbow?yes- I was obsessed with rainbows in middle school. Rainbows, unicorns and little things
Who would you really like to become better friends with?I really need a good friend here in town
Have you ever written a poem?re-written one, yes
Do you have a calendar in your room?no
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?easily, I’ve gone this long without one
Do you personally know anybody who has more than five tattoos?please
Do you prefer Jamba Juice or Starbucks?starbucks, for medicinal purposes only
What is your fondest high school memory? So far?um…wow – I’ve blocked those out – graduating, I guess.
Is anybody jealous of you?yes
Do you use the internet daily?almost daily
Could you imagine your life without your best friend?no
Do you like change?change is goodWhat were you doing at 4am this morning?tossing or turning, one or the other
Have you kissed anyone already in 2009?I have
Have you held hands with anyone in the past three days?..I have
Did you have sex with anyone on new years?I did
How's your heart lately?ok
What can't you wait for?a lot of things – but I have to be patient
What exactly are you wearing?knit pants, sweater, boots, underthings, some jewelry, glasses
When was the last time you cleaned your room?it’s clean
Is there anyone you're worried about right now?of course
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?I would!
Have you ever had your blood taken?I have
Will you still be in a relationship in 4 months?yes
Has anyone ever ruined your life?someone definitely had an affect on certain things in my life that have gone bad, yes.
What is something you currently want?all of it
Do you like to have long hair or short hair?long
Do you like to eat ice?ice is bad for your teeth – so is popcorn
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?I have
Do you have any text messages that you don't want other people to read?no
Would you take a bullet for anyone?not just anyone
Who did you last talk to on the phone?bossman
Who did you last talk to through AIM?nixmom
Ever had surgery?no
Ever made out in a bathroom?I have
What should you be doing?working
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?dude
Have you ever seen the last person you texted naked, or close?heh heh close AND naked!
Whats your favorite color?I like colors
Was today a good day?It was far
What color shirt are you wearing?Black sweater
Have you ever dated anyone on your top?no
Do you want to see somebody right now?yes
What was the last thing that made you laugh?my stupid boss just made me chuckle

Friday, January 23, 2009

crotch rot

ok - here's something i can write about everyday! my freaking health issues! like my mom always used to say, if it's weird, you never heard of it, and never knew anyone who had it - i got it!
where to start!?
well, i've been getting yeast infections since i can remember. although, i don't think they were ever really proper bread making yeast infections. i can remember being you, less than 7 and my peepee burning. mr. bubble bath stuff was the most horrifying thing for my little girl urethra. (and apparently for millions of other small children) i don't remember much more until i was about 14 or 15. i was itching down there. a lot. and i didn't know any better, and i didn't want to tell my mom that my stuff was itching, we never talked about sex or genitals or anything like that really. my mom got sick - she went into the hospital and i was at my grandparents house...what was it for? i know i was older, but for some reason i wasn't allowed to stay at home overnite by did i get to school? wow, i can't remember. anyway, what i DO remember is the itching, and being at my gparents, so i obviously coudn't tell them anything. i remember getting a hand mirror and looking at myself, i remember a creamy discharge. i know, gross, huh? but not cheesy - that's only really happened to me once. oddly enough. i think i found some vagisil in the bathroom at home and used that until the discomfort went away. i remember volleyball practice in the summer before 9th or 10 grade - coming home and sitting with my legs open and the fan blowing directly on me. that seemed to be the best relief overall. i remember i scratched so much, i thought i had my period, told my mom, which was weird - and then i didn't get it for another couple of years or so. i think i was almost 17 when i got it. funny, most people remember the time and place. not me. but i know i was a bit older. not 12 or anything like that. like my mom. it seems like i was dealing with that stuff too often. then when i was about 19 - everything went to shit and hasn't been the same since!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration of Barack Obama

i'm sure everybody and their grandmother is posting on their blog about this day in history. here i am screaming along with the masses - with pride and joy and hope. and of course, complete cynisism. unfortunately, i don't share the same faith in the human race that many others do. at the very least, i can look forward to being pleasantly surprised at the successes of our new wonderful president.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dreams about my mom

sometimes the dreams are less about my mom, and more about her just being there and a part of my life in the dream.
saturday i dreamed that it was my birthday, and both her and my sister were there to help out with a party that i was trying to have.
i sent out an email or something like that for a party that was to start after work, however, i did not mention that in the invitation and people started showing up as i was getting ready for work that day. people, of couse, that i don't know anymore, like heather from highschool, or once worked with like alan t from florida. then work was an environment much like a convention center and i was leaving telling people to start showing up at my house for the party at 7p or so.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dreams of My Mother

so, ever since my mom died, she is in my dreams. almost every night. i'm going to do my best to document them, when i can remember them, as best i can. i am beginning to realise that some of these dreams are telling me that i didn't celebrate enough of my mother's life. i should have been more kind to her and celebrated her more. i will try to do that through this blog.
last nite, i don't think she was there. but i was sleeping with prince xanax last nite, so that may have impeeded my nocturnal visions.
the night before, she was. it was her birthday. and when she woke up in the morning she was mad that no one had done anything for her.
about a week or 10 days ago, i dreamed that she was in bed with us. she was visiting and it was 1/2 my house with the x and half my house with dude. she was in my bed and i told her to get out, that she had to sleep on the couch, i can't remember if there was someone else on the couch, or someone on the floor next to the bed...but i told her, it's ok mom, you can sleep in here, really, it's ok. then she came into bed with me and dude and i was in the middle -i remember being very warm and comfortable. when i started to wake up, i realized the i was in between the dude and the cat - very warm, indeed.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sad Today

i dreamed that i had a friend - a girl, that i really liked and wanted to be close to. part of the dream was that the dude and i had to pretend we weren't together because his x was there with her new girlfriend. the funny part was that i was cuddling with the dude in bed while i was having this dream, and had my arms around the girl in the dream, too.

i cna find some meaning in this dream:

i don't have a close girlfriend here. my closest friends are in minneapolis and atlanta and i feel that missing in my life.

i'm not sure where the dude's x comes in - i certainly feel inadequate to her. she is stunningly beautiful. but their relationship was a farce to be quite honest. long distance, on again off again, bad sex, but good support from her end, professionally and emotionally. she knew how to "deal" with him and his moods. and god, just drop dead gorgeous. people would look at him and go "dude, HOW?" that doesn't happen with me.

then i got an email from MY x. he's such a douche. he's acutally a by the book narcissist. seriously - steps 1-9 in wikipedia. it's unsettling. esepcially unsettling to think of how long i was with him. he's 44 years old and will never ever get help for it. it makes me sad that i dealt with that for so long, it makes me sad that everyone in his life is impacted by his behavior, it makes me sad that his life will always be tortured. he thinks he is at least equal to those around him, and the longer and farther i am away from him, sadly, the more clearly i see his dysfunctions and limitations.

for so long, i thought it had so much to do with me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

trash and recycling

add to my long list of pet peeves. the people who rummage through my garbage for recyclable materials. the rummaging at the streetside irks me enough as it is, but it's at the curb, it's definitely going, so have at it, if you must. but the incessant trolling up and down the streets with the gross-ery carts, (the ones that all have printed on them that it's unlawful to remove them from parking lots? yeah, those) is irritating.
it is also unlawful to come up on my property to dig through my recycle bin and garbage. and it pisses me off.
so tuesday - as i'm leaving the house for work, dude had already left, so i was obviously leaving the house empty - there's a fucking guy - not going through my recycle bin, but my garbage bin. what the fuck.
"excuse me" i say. nothing
"WHAT" like i was fucking interrupting him or bothering him.
"you're not allowed to be doing that."
he shoots me a nasty look - whistles or chirps to his vatos with the carts accross the street and goes storming off.
really? the fucking nerve. and more than likely - an illegal.
so i moved the bins into the garage & left for work.
you know, say what you will - it's my garbage, i don't want it anymore, they need the money, i know, i know, i know. but they don't need to be going through my regular garbage - and what the fuck it - i just don't fucking like it. as with many things - it's not their RIGHT to have and go through my garbage! and certainly don't give me a fucking attitude when i ask you to stop.
so we're putting the garbage bins behind the gate in the backyard. see if that deters them from rummaging. let them fight the recycle truck on trash day.
and if that doesn't work - if someone actuallly has the nerve to open a gate and enter the property to get to my trash - well, that will be a sad day for my little brown friends.
and you know what else? i've seen them park their escalades in front of my house to set out on their journey to collect other peoples garbage. here's a thought: get rid of the fucking escalade, hommie. you'll have more money and won't have to dig into other people's shit. 'th fuck are you looking for anyway? y'know that's how people get their IDs and prescritions stolen. not that i throw any of that stuff in the trash - but still - shit that has my first and last name on it is enough to make some shit happen. kinda paranoid, i guess.

Monday, January 5, 2009

happy new year 2009

so here we are - another new year. it's 2009 and i find myself saying (again) THIS is going to be a good year. it's GOT to be better, right? so far so good. nothing too earth shattering to report yet. today is january 5th - i still have a job (barely) i've started looking a little harder for a new one. again, i need a job, not a career. i need a healthy boundary and balance between work and life - something i do not have right now, something that has become very important to me over the past 2 years of career changes, family deaths, relationship changes and financial woes. how to convince an employer that i am satisfied with the simplicity of a receptionist job because it is what i need - i am not interested in climbing a ladder or taking anyone else's job. please, just let me answer phones.
that's one goal for the year.
another is to get my cat(s) back. i think i have a limited amount of time. and i don't know how much time i have. you see, the cats are with the x, because my alpha male edgg'r pee'd on the dude's favortite chair when we tried to introduce him to the new living sitch and his cat last year, so we thought it best to try to bring my cat(s) - yes there are 2 - into a new home, neutral territory and all of that. my time is somewhat limited because the x will be moving into his mother's house once she passes away from terminal cancer. obviously not something anyone is looking forward to necessarily, but it will be a relief for the x, who can't seem to keep a job and has struggled his entire life to live and pay his own way. (but that's an entirely different blog all together.) the x will not only inherit his mother's house, fully paid off and scott free, he'll also inheriting her cat. he's not going to want to bring his lame ass dog and then have three cats. and i don't want him to either quite frankly. i want my cats with me. so far, two goals.
well, three...which has to happen before i get the cats...dude and i need to move into a bigger and better place. we just started looking again. there is a lot out there for rent. we face a few challenges there: first of all, my bankruptcy. second of all, his work history and current lack of employment, which he says is an easy work around, but also - his credit rating has gone to shit over the past year, and that is something that needs to be in a better place before we can do anything.
and i'm scared to use what little money i have to move us in. is that bad? it is - b/c that is using fears that were instilled by the x's bad behaviour. i should be secure and content in the fact that he will take care of me and not worry about money, right? then again, i don't think he would be happy to know i spent the little money i had on moving - even if he did promise to pay me back, right?
he's going to pay me back the $3k the i gave to him to pay off that cunt. what scares me is that since i lent him that money, i have spent close to $1k on living and xms gifts (ok, one $400 gift for myself, i am almost ashamed to say - BUT they are GORWGUSS and 40% off!!!) and i promise, and you are my witness - to pay myself back the $1k, starting with my next paycheck. now that xms is over, i can put money back in. if my calc are correct, i might be able to put $300 back in on the 15th of this month.
oh - but then again there's k-d'oh's bday in feb! shit!! i have to buy my plane ticket! crap! good thing is flights are pretty cheap....