Wednesday, January 7, 2009

trash and recycling

add to my long list of pet peeves. the people who rummage through my garbage for recyclable materials. the rummaging at the streetside irks me enough as it is, but it's at the curb, it's definitely going, so have at it, if you must. but the incessant trolling up and down the streets with the gross-ery carts, (the ones that all have printed on them that it's unlawful to remove them from parking lots? yeah, those) is irritating.
it is also unlawful to come up on my property to dig through my recycle bin and garbage. and it pisses me off.
so tuesday - as i'm leaving the house for work, dude had already left, so i was obviously leaving the house empty - there's a fucking guy - not going through my recycle bin, but my garbage bin. what the fuck.
"excuse me" i say. nothing
"WHAT" like i was fucking interrupting him or bothering him.
"you're not allowed to be doing that."
he shoots me a nasty look - whistles or chirps to his vatos with the carts accross the street and goes storming off.
really? the fucking nerve. and more than likely - an illegal.
so i moved the bins into the garage & left for work.
you know, say what you will - it's my garbage, i don't want it anymore, they need the money, i know, i know, i know. but they don't need to be going through my regular garbage - and what the fuck it - i just don't fucking like it. as with many things - it's not their RIGHT to have and go through my garbage! and certainly don't give me a fucking attitude when i ask you to stop.
so we're putting the garbage bins behind the gate in the backyard. see if that deters them from rummaging. let them fight the recycle truck on trash day.
and if that doesn't work - if someone actuallly has the nerve to open a gate and enter the property to get to my trash - well, that will be a sad day for my little brown friends.
and you know what else? i've seen them park their escalades in front of my house to set out on their journey to collect other peoples garbage. here's a thought: get rid of the fucking escalade, hommie. you'll have more money and won't have to dig into other people's shit. 'th fuck are you looking for anyway? y'know that's how people get their IDs and prescritions stolen. not that i throw any of that stuff in the trash - but still - shit that has my first and last name on it is enough to make some shit happen. kinda paranoid, i guess.

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