Tuesday, July 28, 2009

wow - i suck

so i left the house this morning - the a/c was on the nite before and the house was fairly cool. dude was called to set at 3a. i figured i'd come home for lunch. i also treated the chair that edgg'r had pee'd on last year - thinking that i'd come home for lunch & put it all back together. problem is - i didn't come home for lunch.
dude got home from set about 5 & sent a text saying the house was boiling cuz i didn't open any windows! then called me and said the kittkes pee'd all over the kitched floor outside of the box and vomited in the living room. and apparently pee'd on the living room carpet. he had to come home from a long day and clean up cat mess.
dude is NOT happy.
i don't know what i should do. he's made more than one comment on how the addition of my kitten has changed the behaviour of his cat. we even had his cat at the vet 2 weeks ago - just to make sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong with him - he had diareah and was crying in the box. he had a little bladder infection, but was otherwise ok.
i can treat the lving room carpet with the same stuff i used on the chair - it seems to work well. but this overall is kinda bad for us.
srsly - i don't know what i should do. maybe i should offer to leave. once he pays me back i'll be able to afford to put a deposit down on a place. i'm in a bit of a panic and haven't felt good about 'us' off and on for a while now. i wonder if this is the last straw for him?
i have the next 3 days off from work. i guess i'll spend a good protion of that time working on us.
god i suck! how could i do that to those cute little kitties.

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