Tuesday, September 8, 2009

here we are again

still at the same job. still not liking it. now there are more people here - the house of cards is growing, and still on shakey ground. bossman is in the process of getting a divorce - and what does he do? goes to vegas. he's gross. i want to be away from him and his irrational, xanax addled behavior. is it possible to work for someone who is NOT crazy? do sane bosses even exist? i have always had a certain level of crazy in a boss. almost always...no, ultimately ALWAYS ended up trying to avoid my boss or supervisor because they were crazy, mean, or a combination of the two.
a friend hooked me up with her headhunter. i sent a message today with my resume. i can't wait to see what happens! they friend raves about this headhunter, saying that she will do everything she can to place me. i have a feeling she is looking at my resume right now going "hunh?"
(sigh) i can do whatever! i don't need a corporate ladder to climb! i can answer phones, data entry/maintenance...i'm not looking to be a svp or anything!

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