Wednesday, December 17, 2008

music survey

Concert Survey: Mind you, music is my business - been in it for over 20 years.

How many concerts have you been to in your life-time? Certainly over 1000. I wish I had counted or written them down. I was just thinking I should try to gather all of my ticket stubs...there were probably over 100 guest list shows....
2. Have you ever been on a tour bus? A coupla few
3. Have you ever gotten an autograph or picture with a celebrity? Oh yes, many
4. Have you ever been on a Celebrity's top friends on myspace? yes
5. Have you ever gotten a myspace message or comment from a celebrity? yes ("celebrity" being a somewhat exaggerated term)
6. Have you ever gone somewhere with a band or musician after a show? yes
7. How many celebrities have you met? many many many - another thing I should sit down and sort out.
8. What celebrity was the most surprising to meet? surprising? Hmmm…David Bowie
9. What celebrity was the nicest? Lots of them have been very nice to me.
10. Not so nice? Daniel Ash (both times)
11. Do you have any celebrity's phone numbers? yes
12. Do you consider yourself a groupie? you say that like it's a bad thing
13. What is the farthest you've traveled for a concert? LA - NYC, Miami - San Francisco
14. What is your favorite venue? The Greek, & The Troubadour
15. What is your most prized possession from a concert? ONE of them? I'll give you two...The set list from a secret Queens of The Stone Age show at the Viper Room…And Icky for a while there.
16. Have you kept in touch with any celebrities since you've met them? uh huh (and again, "celebrity" in this case could be an exaggerated term, haha)
17. The most scandalous thing thats ever happened at a concert? I wouldn't know. I have never been scandalous at a concert
18. Lamest concert you've ever been to? ugh – I've seen dozens of lame shows.
19. Best concert you've ever been to? Radiohead @ The Greek
20. Best concert memory? Radiohead @ The Greek (I was up against the stage & have great photos!) Being the only Revolting Pussy onstage in Orlando. (ya'll prolly don't get that, do you?) 21. The most you've ever paid for a concert ticket? hmmm…'round 50 or 60 bucks I guess. I haven't really had to pay my way to a show in a long time.
22. The closest you've ever been to the stage? On it
23. Worst concert memory? hmmm…unfortunately there's been a few of those, too. Skinny Puppy @ the Cameo Theatre in Miami…I had a REALLY bad time after the show.
24. Have you ever met anyone at a concert who you are still friends with? sure
25. One concert that you would re-live over and over? Any Radiohead show.
26. Name one band or musical celebrity that you would love to meet or hang out with? Thom Yorke

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