funny thing dude said yesterday that he was in a Hallowe'en mood....feeling Hallowe'enie. noot sure if it was the slightly cooler weather over the past few days (from the previous week of upper 90s) or what - but he was having Hallowe'en thoughts. it's not like we haven't been talking about our costumes for the past 3 or 4 months or anything...sheesh.
then i log in to the face place and one of the things i am a fan of, er "like" we whatever you call it has something to do with spooky stuff in LA. i can across a new blog...The Spooky Vegan - and i decided to follow her! (hi Spooky Vegan) while not 100% vegan (don't have the time, patience or funding) i certainly eat mostly vegan. no meat, no cheese (reluctantly) no dairy, some eggs, sometimes tuna, rarely ever shrimp....but for the most part i live a pretty cruelty free life.
and Hallowe'en? well...i've won 3 costume contests....judged by the elite of the costume world - creature fx nerds - not to brag - but hallowe'en is a pretty BFD in my world. like i said, been talking about this years' costumes for about 4 months now. WAS gonna to that ^ but don't have the cash. so now we're trying to think of something else. i have no idea. i might have dude do me up all gross and dead-like. we'll see.
now i'm all Hallowe'enie, too!! i can't believe it's barely 2 months away!!
but i have a headache....
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